Our Services


Emergency Dentistry

Emergency dentistry is a branch of dentistry offered by professional dentists and oral surgeons to address dental emergencies. Dental emergencies are unforeseen dental issues requiring prompt treatment because of severe pain, excessive bleeding, or the likelihood of spiraling into something more serious.


Pediatric Dental Fillings

A pediatric dental filling is a procedure used to treat cavities or tooth decay in children. It involves removing the decayed portion of the tooth and filling the space with a durable and tooth-colored material. This helps to restore the tooth's structure, prevent further decay, and maintain proper oral health.


A frenectomy is a simple dental procedure for cutting or modifying the frenulum. This is a soft tissue that connects your lips on the gums and the tongue to the bottom part of the mouth. A short frenulum causes lip- and tongue-tie. Lip-tie is when the frenulum’s shortness prevents the proper movement of the lips. Tongue-tie is the same but for the tongue.

A frenectomy cuts or modifies the frenulum, allowing proper movement of the tongue. Lip- and tongue-tie usually lead to problems with breast feeding and swallowing. They also lead to articulation problems for specific sounds.

Preventive & General

Pediatric Dentistry

While caring for children’s teeth is not drastically different than dentistry for adults, there are some differences in the approach dentists take. Dentists who care for pediatric patients will cater their services and methods to little ones in an effort to create a positive relationship with oral health. By focusing on education and prevention in a fun, relaxing environment, pediatric dentists can help empower children to feel comfortable and confident at the dentist’s office.

Preventive & General

Space Maintenance

Your kid’s primary teeth have a significant role to play. They help your little one speak correctly or bite, chew, and guide the adult teeth below them to erupt into an appropriate position. A significant function of the baby teeth is to hold space for the permanent teeth that will push them out eventually.

However, several circumstances can cause your child to lose one or a few of their baby teeth prematurely. When this occurs, the permanent teeth about to come in can be blocked completely. This may result in crooked or crowded teeth.

If your child’s tooth has come out prematurely due to an infection, decay, or accident, the Burton pediatric dentist at Sunflower Pediatric Dentistry can offer a solution. We will provide a painless space maintenance service to facilitate your child’s permanent teeth development. Call us today at (440) 273-8104.


Silver Diamine Fluoride

Silver Diamine Fluoride (SDF) is a non-invasive alternative to fillings. SDF treatment doesn’t require any drills or shots, and takes only a few minutes. Your child’s pediatric dentist will simply paint some special liquid onto the affected tooth. This liquid seals and strengthens the tooth, protecting it from further decay. If your child has a cavity, fillings may not be their only option!


Special Needs Care

If your child has a medical condition, mental or physical disability, or other limitations that affect their oral health or the manner they need to receive dental care, this is considered special needs.

Whether your child has sensory issues, dental anxiety, ADHD, Autism, or some other disability or medical condition, we are proud to serve the special needs community by making any special accommodations that will make dental treatment more accessible.

This can include altering the dental environment, providing comforting amenities, or administering dental sedation. Pediatric dentists are specially trained in how to treat children with special needs. 

Your child will receive compassionate and understanding special needs care at Sunflower Pediatric Dentistry from our Burton pediatric dentist, where we put our patient's needs first. Call us today to learn more!


Stainless Steel Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are the best way to repair your child’s cracked, broken, decayed, or infected tooth. During the crown process, your child’s pediatric dentist will remove all the damaged material from their tooth. Then, they’ll fit your child for a strong, durable, and long-lasting crown that will cover your child’s tooth and protect it. With a crown, you can prevent further damage, relieve discomfort, and get peace of mind. You’ll know that your child’s tooth will stay healthy for years to come.



Your little one’s teeth are important. They play a vital role in their oral health, development, and functionality. Your child’s teeth help them chew, speak, and maintain their smile. 

This is why we’ll always exhaust all other options before resorting to an extraction. It’s always best to preserve your child’s natural teeth and repair them when possible. However, sometimes the teeth become decayed or infected beyond repair and the only thing left to do is to remove the tooth. 

Your child may also have overcrowded or impacted teeth and need to remove a tooth to make room for orthodontics. As a last resort, we can comfortably remove your child’s tooth to provide them with relief from tooth decay, infections, or dental trauma. 

After removing the tooth, they may require a space maintainer to prevent the teeth from shifting. Contact us at Sunflower Pediatric Dentistry or call (440) 273-8104 today to schedule a consultation with our pediatric dentist in Burton.


Pediatric Sedation Options

Dental sedation is the use of medication to relax patients with special needs or dental anxiety. The primary use of sedation is to put patients at ease and reduce negative emotions. However, sedation can also suppress a sensitive gag reflex, reduce pain sensation and restlessness, and improve patient cooperation. 

Another benefit of sedation is that it enables your Burton pediatric dentist to get more dental work done in less time, which can save you time and money. Sedation is a tool available for you to make your child more comfortable and to make the dental treatment process go smoother. Call us today to learn more!